Friday, September 21, 2012

Character Education

Our school has adopted the OLWEUS anti-bullying program which has noticeably made a difference in the number of bullying incidences.  Our students know what the term “bullying” means and  what it looks like.  Now that the bullying occurrences have gone down, we still want our students to exhibit other good character traits. The question is how???  We are fortunate to be in a school where our guidance counselor comes in to give a mini lesson on a monthly character trait. These lessons consist of the following traits: Citizenship, Responsibility, Respect, Compassion, Honesty, Empathy, Friendship, Cooperation, and Self-Discipline.   They key is to get the lessons to really stick and carry over into the daily routine.  It helps to get students to ask themselves "what does each character trait MEAN to me???" To aid in this understanding, we have created a unit to last teachers through the entire school year.   This pack consists of 57 pages of lessons, activities, and posters. Below you will see a sample. 

 Like what you see!? Head on over to our TPT store to check it out!


Factivation said...

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